How to Hit a Draw: Unleashing the Power of Controlled Angle and Curves


Have you ever watched professional golfers effortlessly shape the ball in mid-air, gently curving it around obstacles and landing it precisely on the fairway? It’s a skill that seems almost magical, but the truth is, anyone can learn how to hit a draw with the right technique and practice.

In this guide, we will delve into the art of hitting a draw, a shot that moves from right to left for right-handed golfers (or left to right for left-handed golfers). Whether you’re a beginner looking to add some finesse to your game or an experienced golfer aiming to master this shot, this introduction will set the stage for a deeper exploration of the subject.

Hitting a draw can be a game-changer on the course. It not only allows you to navigate around obstacles but also adds distance and control to your shots. By understanding the mechanics behind this shot and honing your skills, you can unlock a new level of precision and consistency in your game.

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Throughout this guide, we will break down the key elements of hitting a draw, from grip and stance to swing path and clubface angle. We’ll explore the importance of weight distribution and body rotation, as well as the role of club selection in achieving the desired shot shape.

Moreover, we will delve into the mental aspect of hitting a draw, discussing visualization techniques and course management strategies that can help you execute this shot under pressure. We’ll also address common mistakes and provide troubleshooting tips to help you overcome any challenges along the way.

So, whether you’re aiming to add a touch of artistry to your game or simply want to improve your overall performance, join us as we embark on this journey of mastering the draw shot. Get ready to unlock a new dimension of control and finesse in your golf game.

How to Hit a Draw

Hitting a draw in golf can be a game-changer, allowing you to shape your shots and navigate the course with more precision. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer looking to add this shot to your repertoire, mastering the draw can take your game to the next level.

To hit a draw, it’s crucial to understand the mechanics behind the shot. Start by aligning your body slightly to the right of the target (for right-handed golfers) and aiming the clubface slightly to the right as well. This open stance and clubface position will set you up for a draw.

Next, focus on your swing path. To hit a draw, you’ll want to swing from the inside-out, with the clubhead traveling on a path that is slightly to the right of your target line. This inside-out swing path, combined with the open clubface, will create the desired right-to-left ball flight.

Another key factor in hitting a draw is the grip. To promote a draw, you can experiment with a stronger grip, where your hands are rotated slightly to the right on the club handle (for right-handed golfers). This grip adjustment can help you release the club properly through impact, encouraging the ball to draw.

It’s important to note that hitting a draw consistently takes practice and patience. Start by experimenting with these techniques on the driving range before taking them to the course. With time and dedication, you’ll develop the feel and control needed to hit a draw on demand.

In conclusion, mastering the draw shot in golf can greatly enhance your game. By understanding the mechanics, focusing on the swing path, and experimenting with grip adjustments, you can learn to hit a draw consistently. Practice regularly and stay patient, and soon enough, you’ll be shaping your shots like a pro.


When it comes to hitting a draw, the grip plays a crucial role in achieving the desired ball flight. A proper grip can help you control the clubface and promote a consistent draw shot. In this article, we will delve into the details of how to grip the club for a draw, using techniques that have been proven effective by professional golfers.

To hit a draw, it is essential to have a slightly stronger grip than your normal grip. This means rotating your hands slightly to the right (for right-handed golfers) on the club handle. By doing so, you will be able to close the clubface at impact, creating the desired right-to-left ball flight.

Start by placing the club in your left hand (for right-handed golfers) with the clubface square to the target. Then, interlock your right pinky finger with your left index finger. This grip promotes a unified feel and helps maintain control throughout the swing.

Next, position your right hand on the club, making sure to place it slightly to the right of your left hand. The “V” formed by your thumb and index finger on both hands should point towards your right shoulder. This grip allows for a more powerful release through impact, generating the necessary clubhead speed for a draw.

Remember to grip the club with a firm but relaxed pressure. A grip that is too tight can hinder your swing and restrict the natural release of the club. Find a balance that allows you to maintain control while still maintaining a fluid swing.

In conclusion, mastering the proper grip is essential for hitting a draw. By following these grip techniques, you will be on your way to consistently producing accurate and controlled draw shots. Practice these techniques regularly, and soon you will have the ability to shape your shots exactly how you want them.


Alignment is a crucial aspect of hitting a draw in golf. It sets the foundation for a successful shot and can greatly influence the outcome. In this article, we will delve into the importance of alignment and provide some tips on how to achieve proper alignment for hitting a draw.

To start, let’s understand what alignment means in the context of golf. Alignment refers to the positioning of your body and club in relation to the target. It involves ensuring that your feet, hips, shoulders, and clubface are all aligned parallel to the target line.

Proper alignment is essential for hitting a draw because it allows you to swing along the desired path. To achieve this, follow these steps:

1. Stand behind the ball and visualize the shot you want to hit. Picture the draw trajectory and the target line.

2. Pick a spot a few feet in front of the ball on the target line. This spot will serve as an intermediate target to aim at.

3. Align your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to the target line. Make sure they are pointing slightly to the right of the target for a right-handed golfer (left for a left-handed golfer).

4. Position the clubface slightly closed to the target line. This means the clubface should be pointing slightly to the left of the target for a right-handed golfer (right for a left-handed golfer).

5. Take your stance and ensure that your body feels balanced and comfortable.

By aligning yourself correctly, you are setting yourself up for a successful draw shot. Remember to practice your alignment regularly to develop consistency in your shots.

In conclusion, alignment plays a crucial role in hitting a draw in golf. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can improve your alignment and increase your chances of executing a successful draw shot. Keep practicing and refining your alignment to enhance your overall game.

Swing Path

When it comes to hitting a draw, one of the most crucial factors to consider is the swing path. The swing path refers to the direction in which the clubhead travels during the swing. By understanding and manipulating the swing path, you can effectively shape your shots and achieve that coveted draw.

To hit a draw, you need to create an inside-out swing path. This means that the clubhead should approach the ball from inside the target line and then move towards the outside after impact. This path allows the clubface to impart a right-to-left spin on the ball, resulting in a draw.

To achieve the desired swing path, start by aligning your body and clubface slightly to the right of the target. This setup will naturally encourage an inside-out swing. As you take your backswing, focus on keeping your hands and arms on a slightly flatter plane. This will help you approach the ball from the inside.

During the downswing, make a conscious effort to maintain the inside path. To do this, feel like you’re swinging the clubhead towards the right field, rather than directly at the target. This will promote the desired inside-out swing path and encourage the draw.

It’s important to note that achieving the correct swing path takes practice and repetition. Experiment with different grip positions, body alignments, and swing planes to find what works best for you. Video analysis can also be a valuable tool in identifying any swing flaws and making necessary adjustments.

In conclusion, mastering the swing path is essential for hitting a draw. By understanding the inside-out swing and practicing the correct techniques, you’ll be well on your way to consistently shaping your shots and adding a draw to your arsenal.

Clubface Position

When it comes to hitting a draw, one of the most important factors to consider is the position of the clubface. The clubface plays a crucial role in determining the initial direction of the ball, so understanding how to position it correctly is key.

To hit a draw, you’ll want to have a slightly closed clubface at impact. This means that the face of the club should be pointing slightly to the right of your target (for right-handed golfers). By having a closed clubface, you can create the necessary side spin on the ball to make it curve from right to left.

One way to achieve the proper clubface position is to focus on your grip. Make sure that your hands are rotated slightly to the right on the club handle. This will naturally close the clubface and help you achieve the desired ball flight.

Another aspect to consider is your setup position. Aim your feet, hips, and shoulders slightly to the right of your target. This alignment will encourage an inside-out swing path, which is essential for hitting a draw. As you swing through the ball, focus on keeping the clubface square to your swing path, allowing the clubface to close naturally.

It’s important to note that the amount of draw you achieve will depend on the degree of clubface closure at impact. Experiment with different grip and setup positions to find the right balance for your swing.

In conclusion, the clubface position is crucial when it comes to hitting a draw. By understanding how to position the clubface correctly, you can create the necessary side spin on the ball to make it curve from right to left. Remember to focus on your grip and setup position to achieve the desired ball flight. With practice and experimentation, you’ll be able to consistently hit a draw and add another shot to your golfing arsenal.

Body Position

To successfully hit a draw shot in golf, your body position plays a crucial role. Proper body alignment and posture can greatly influence the direction and shape of your shots. In this article, we will discuss the key elements of body position that will help you achieve a consistent and accurate draw.

One of the most important aspects of body position is the alignment of your feet, hips, and shoulders. To hit a draw, you need to aim slightly to the right of your target (for right-handed golfers). Align your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to this target line. This closed stance will encourage an inside-out swing path, which is essential for generating the desired draw spin on the ball.

Next, focus on your grip. A neutral or slightly strong grip can help promote a draw. Make sure your left hand (for right-handed golfers) is turned slightly to the right, so that you can see two to three knuckles. This will help you square the clubface at impact and produce a controlled draw.

In terms of body posture, it is important to maintain a relaxed and balanced stance throughout the swing. Bend your knees slightly and tilt your upper body forward from the hips. This will allow for a more rotational swing and help you generate power and accuracy.

During the swing, be mindful of your weight transfer. As you start your downswing, shift your weight onto your left side (for right-handed golfers). This will promote an inside-out swing path and encourage the draw shape.

In conclusion, mastering the proper body position is essential for hitting a draw shot in golf. By aligning your feet, hips, and shoulders correctly, adopting a neutral or slightly strong grip, and maintaining a balanced posture, you can increase your chances of consistently executing a draw. Practice these techniques and watch as your draw shots become a valuable weapon in your golf game.

Ball Position

When it comes to hitting a draw, the position of the ball is crucial. By adjusting your ball position, you can influence the direction and shape of your shots. In this article, we will explore the importance of ball position and how it can help you achieve a beautiful draw.

To begin, let’s understand what a draw shot is. A draw is a shot that starts to the right of the target (for right-handed golfers) and then curves back towards the target. It is a shot that many golfers strive to master, as it can add distance and control to their game.

Proper ball position plays a significant role in hitting a draw. For a right-handed golfer, the ball should be positioned slightly back in the stance, closer to the right foot. This positioning encourages an inside-out swing path, which is necessary for creating the desired draw spin.

By placing the ball back in the stance, you encourage a more shallow angle of attack, which helps to promote an inside-out swing. This inside-out swing path, combined with a slightly closed clubface at impact, imparts the necessary side spin on the ball, resulting in a draw.

It is important to note that the exact ball position may vary depending on your swing and the club you are using. Experiment with different ball positions to find the one that works best for you. Remember to adjust your stance accordingly to maintain proper alignment with the target.

In conclusion, ball position is a critical factor when trying to hit a draw. By placing the ball slightly back in your stance, you can promote an inside-out swing path and create the desired draw spin. Experiment with different ball positions and find the one that works best for your swing. With practice and proper technique, you’ll be hitting beautiful draws in no time.

Practice Drills

To master the art of hitting a draw, practice drills are essential. These drills will help you develop the necessary skills and muscle memory required to consistently execute a draw shot. Incorporating these drills into your training routine will greatly improve your ability to shape the ball flight and add versatility to your game.

One effective drill is the Alignment Drill. Start by setting up two alignment sticks parallel to each other, creating a narrow corridor. Position the sticks slightly to the right of your target line if you’re a right-handed golfer (and vice versa for left-handed golfers). Practice hitting shots within this corridor, focusing on starting the ball to the right of the target and curving it back towards the center. This drill will help you understand the correct swing path and clubface alignment needed to hit a draw.

Another useful drill is the Swing Path Drill. Place an alignment stick on the ground, parallel to your target line. Position a second alignment stick at an angle, pointing towards the inside of your target line. Practice swinging along the path of the angled stick, ensuring that your clubface is square at impact. This drill will train your body to swing from the inside, promoting a draw ball flight.

The Gate Drill is also beneficial for developing a consistent draw. Set up two alignment sticks or golf clubs on the ground, forming a gate just wider than the width of your clubhead. Position the gate slightly to the right of your target line for right-handed golfers (and vice versa for left-handed golfers). Practice hitting shots through the gate, focusing on starting the ball to the right and curving it back towards the target. This drill will help you groove the correct swing path and clubface control needed for a draw shot.

Incorporating these practice drills into your training routine will greatly enhance your ability to hit a draw. Remember to focus on proper alignment, swing path, and clubface control. With consistent practice, you’ll soon be able to shape the ball flight and add a draw to your repertoire.
In conclusion, mastering the art of hitting a draw can greatly enhance your golf game and give you a competitive edge on the course. Throughout this post, we have discussed various key points that are crucial to achieving a successful draw shot.

First and foremost, we emphasized the importance of a proper grip. By ensuring a neutral grip, you can have better control over the clubface and manipulate it to produce the desired draw shape. Additionally, aligning your body and clubface correctly is essential to setting up for a successful draw shot.

Furthermore, we delved into the significance of swing path and clubface position. Understanding the correct swing path and maintaining a slightly closed clubface at impact can help you generate the right amount of side spin needed for a draw shot.

Moreover, we explored the role of body position and ball position in hitting a draw. Proper body rotation and weight transfer, along with positioning the ball slightly back in your stance, can aid in producing the desired draw trajectory.

Lastly, we provided a range of practice drills to help you refine your draw shot. By incorporating these drills into your training routine, you can develop muscle memory and consistently execute a draw when needed.

In conclusion, mastering how to hit a draw can be a game-changer for any golfer. It allows you to navigate obstacles on the course and shape your shots strategically. By following the tips and techniques discussed in this post, you can improve your ability to hit a draw and elevate your overall golf performance.

Looking ahead, the future of hitting a draw may involve advancements in technology and training methods. New equipment and training aids may emerge to assist golfers in honing their draw shots even further. It is important to stay updated with these developments to continually improve your game.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. We hope that the information provided has been valuable to you. We encourage you to leave any comments or feedback, as we are always eager to hear from our readers. Keep practicing and perfecting your draw shot – the results will undoubtedly be worth it!

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