How to Fix a Short Side Golf Shot: Mastering the Art of Precision


Picture this: you’re on the golf course, facing a challenging short side shot. The pin is tucked away near the edge of the green, with a bunker or rough obstructing your path to glory. It’s a moment that can make or break your game, and mastering the art of the short side shot is essential for any golfer looking to improve their scores.

In this introductory guide, we will delve into the secrets of fixing a short side golf shot, exploring the techniques and strategies that can help you navigate these tricky situations with confidence and precision. Whether you’re a beginner looking to sharpen your skills or an experienced player aiming to take your game to the next level, this guide is designed to provide valuable insights and practical tips.

Throughout this article, we will explore various aspects of the short side shot, from club selection to shot execution. We will discuss the importance of understanding the lie and slope of the terrain, as well as the impact of wind and other environmental factors. Additionally, we will delve into the mental game of golf, exploring the mindset required to tackle challenging shots and overcome any obstacles that may come your way.

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By the end of this guide, you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and techniques to help you fix your short side golf shots. You’ll be equipped with the tools necessary to approach these shots with confidence, knowing that you have the skills to navigate even the most challenging situations.

So, whether you’re facing a tight pin placement or a tricky lie, join us on this journey as we explore the intricacies of fixing a short side golf shot. Let’s dive in and discover the secrets to mastering the art of precision on the golf course.

How to Fix a Short Side Golf Shot

Having trouble with your short side golf shots? It can be frustrating when you find yourself in a difficult position near the green. But fear not, there are ways to improve your game and fix those short side shots.

One of the key factors in fixing a short side golf shot is proper club selection. Choosing the right club for the shot is crucial, as it can greatly affect the outcome. Generally, a higher lofted club, such as a sand wedge or lob wedge, is recommended for short side shots. These clubs can help you get the ball up quickly and stop it on the green.

Another important aspect to consider is your stance and setup. When faced with a short side shot, it’s essential to open up your stance. This allows you to swing the club on a steeper angle, helping you get the ball up quickly. Additionally, positioning the ball slightly back in your stance can also help promote a higher ball flight.

Once you’ve set up correctly, it’s time to focus on your swing. When hitting a short side shot, it’s crucial to make a controlled and smooth swing. Avoid trying to hit the ball too hard, as this can lead to mishits and inconsistent results. Instead, focus on making solid contact with the ball and following through with your swing.

Lastly, practice is key to improving your short side shots. Spend time on the practice green, working on different scenarios and shots. Experiment with different clubs and techniques to find what works best for you. With time and dedication, you’ll see improvement in your short side golf shots.

In conclusion, fixing a short side golf shot requires proper club selection, a correct setup, a controlled swing, and plenty of practice. By incorporating these tips into your game, you’ll be able to tackle those difficult shots near the green with confidence. Keep practicing and refining your technique, and soon you’ll see your short side shots improve.


When it comes to fixing a short side golf shot, one key aspect that players often overlook is positioning. Proper positioning can make all the difference in successfully executing a shot and avoiding the dreaded short side miss. In this article, we will delve into the importance of positioning and provide some tips to help you improve your game.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand what we mean by “short side.” In golf, being short side refers to when your ball ends up on the side of the green that is closest to the pin. This can present a challenging situation as it limits your options and increases the difficulty of the shot.

To avoid finding yourself in this predicament, it’s essential to assess the layout of the hole before you even take your shot. Take note of the pin placement and any potential hazards or slopes around the green. This information will guide your decision-making process and help you determine the best position to aim for.

When positioning yourself for a short side shot, aim to land your ball on the wider side of the green. This will give you more room to work with and increase your chances of a successful shot. Additionally, consider the slope of the green and aim to position yourself on the side that offers a more favorable angle for your approach.

Another aspect to consider is your club selection. Choose a club that will allow you to control the distance and trajectory of your shot effectively. Sometimes, a higher lofted club can be advantageous in getting the ball to stop quickly on the green.

In conclusion, positioning plays a crucial role in fixing a short side golf shot. By carefully assessing the layout of the hole, aiming for the wider side of the green, and selecting the appropriate club, you can improve your chances of success. Remember, practice makes perfect, so be sure to spend time honing your positioning skills on the golf course.

Club Selection

When it comes to fixing a short side golf shot, one crucial factor that often gets overlooked is club selection. Choosing the right club can make all the difference in successfully executing the shot and getting the ball closer to the hole. In this article, we will explore the importance of club selection and provide some tips to help you make the right choice.

First and foremost, it’s essential to consider the distance you need to cover and the obstacles in your path. If you have a short side shot with a tight pin placement and a bunker or water hazard in front of you, you’ll want to select a club that can help you clear the obstacle and land softly on the green. A higher lofted club, such as a pitching wedge or sand wedge, can give you the necessary height and spin to stop the ball quickly.

On the other hand, if you have more room to work with and need to cover a longer distance, a lower lofted club like a 9-iron or 8-iron may be more suitable. These clubs will provide more distance but sacrifice some of the stopping power. It’s crucial to assess the situation and choose the club that gives you the best chance of success.

Another factor to consider is the lie of the ball. If you have a tight lie, where the ball is sitting on top of the grass with little to no cushion, a club with less loft can help you make clean contact and avoid chunking the shot. Conversely, if you have a fluffy lie, where the ball is sitting up in the rough, a higher lofted club can help you get the ball in the air quickly.

In conclusion, club selection plays a vital role in fixing a short side golf shot. By considering the distance, obstacles, and lie of the ball, you can choose the right club to give yourself the best chance of success. Remember to practice different shots with different clubs to become comfortable and confident in your decision-making on the course.

Shot Selection

When it comes to fixing a short side golf shot, shot selection is a crucial aspect that can make or break your game. Choosing the right shot for each situation is essential to improve your chances of success on the course. In this article, we will discuss some key factors to consider when selecting your shots and provide valuable tips to help you make the best decisions.

One of the first things to consider is the lie of the ball. Assessing whether the ball is sitting on a tight lie, in the rough, or in a bunker will greatly impact the type of shot you should choose. A tight lie requires a more precise approach, while shots from the rough may require more power to lift the ball cleanly. Bunker shots, on the other hand, demand a different technique altogether.

Another factor to consider is the distance to the target. If you are close to the green, a pitch or chip shot may be the best option. These shots allow for more control and accuracy, increasing your chances of getting the ball close to the hole. However, if you are further away, a full swing with a wedge or iron might be necessary to generate the distance needed.

Furthermore, the slope of the green should not be overlooked. Uphill or downhill lies can significantly affect the trajectory and roll of the ball. Adjusting your shot selection to accommodate for these slopes will greatly improve your chances of success.

In conclusion, shot selection plays a vital role in fixing a short side golf shot. By considering factors such as lie, distance, and slope, you can make informed decisions that will enhance your performance on the course. Practice different shots in various situations to develop a versatile game that can adapt to any challenge.

Swing Technique

A short side golf shot can be a challenging situation on the course. It requires precision and finesse to execute it successfully. In this article, we will delve into the swing technique that can help you fix your short side golf shot and improve your overall game.

One important aspect to consider when fixing a short side golf shot is your setup. Proper alignment is crucial to ensure that you are aiming in the right direction. Position your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to the target line. This will help you create a consistent swing path and increase your chances of hitting the ball where you want it to go.

Another key factor in fixing a short side golf shot is your club selection. Choose a club with enough loft to clear any obstacles and get the ball onto the green. A wedge or a short iron is usually the best choice for these types of shots. Practice with different clubs to find the one that works best for you.

When it comes to the actual swing, it’s important to maintain a smooth and controlled motion. Keep your body relaxed and your grip light. Focus on swinging through the ball and not at it. This will help you generate more power and accuracy in your shots.

In addition to the swing technique, it’s important to develop a good short game strategy. This includes understanding the slope and contours of the green, as well as the speed of the grass. Practice different shots from various positions to become more comfortable and confident around the green.

To summarize, fixing a short side golf shot requires a combination of proper setup, club selection, and a smooth swing technique. By practicing these elements and developing a solid short game strategy, you can improve your chances of successfully executing these challenging shots. Keep these tips in mind the next time you find yourself facing a short side golf shot on the course.

Practice Drills

If you’re struggling with your short side golf shot, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many golfers find themselves in tricky situations where they need to hit a shot from a tight angle. The good news is that with some practice drills, you can improve your skills and become more confident in these situations.

One effective drill to work on your short side golf shot is the “up and down” drill. This drill simulates the challenging shots you often face around the greens. Set up a target area and practice hitting shots from different angles, trying to get the ball as close to the target as possible. This will help you develop the touch and control needed for those delicate shots.

Another useful drill is the “hinge and hold” drill. This drill focuses on the proper technique for hitting a short side shot. Start by setting up with an open stance and gripping the club with a slightly stronger grip. As you swing, hinge your wrists early and hold the clubface square through impact. This will help you control the trajectory and spin of the ball, allowing you to get it close to the hole.

To improve your decision-making skills on the short side, try the “game simulation” drill. Set up different scenarios on the course and imagine you’re playing a real round. Practice hitting shots from difficult lies and tight angles, and try to make the best decision based on the situation. This drill will help you develop your course management skills and improve your ability to think strategically on the golf course.

Incorporating these practice drills into your training routine will undoubtedly improve your short side golf shot. Remember to focus on technique, control, and decision-making, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering those challenging shots around the greens. Keep practicing and never stop improving!

Course Management

When it comes to improving your golf game, course management is a crucial aspect to consider. It involves making strategic decisions on the golf course to optimize your chances of success. One area that often requires careful consideration is the short side golf shot. In this article, we will explore some tips and techniques to help you fix your short side golf shot and improve your overall game.

One key aspect of course management is understanding the layout of the golf course. By familiarizing yourself with the course, you can identify potential trouble spots and plan your shots accordingly. When faced with a short side golf shot, it means that your ball is on the opposite side of the green from where the flag is located. This can be a challenging situation, as it limits your options and increases the difficulty of the shot.

To fix a short side golf shot, it is important to assess the situation and choose the best approach. One option is to play a high, soft shot that lands softly on the green and stops quickly. This requires precise execution and the right club selection. Another option is to play a bump-and-run shot, where the ball is kept low and rolls towards the flag. This can be a safer option, as it reduces the risk of overshooting the green.

In addition to shot selection, it is essential to consider the slope and contours of the green. By reading the green correctly, you can anticipate how the ball will react and adjust your shot accordingly. This can make a significant difference in the outcome of your short side golf shot.

In conclusion, course management plays a vital role in fixing a short side golf shot. By understanding the layout of the course, choosing the right approach, and considering the green’s slope and contours, you can improve your chances of success. Incorporate these strategies into your game, and watch your short side golf shots improve.

Mental Approach

When it comes to fixing a short side golf shot, having the right mental approach is crucial. Golf is not just a physical game; it is also a mental game. Your mindset can greatly impact your performance on the course. Here are some key mental strategies to help you improve your short side golf shots.

First and foremost, stay focused and present in the moment. It’s easy to get caught up in past mistakes or future outcomes, but this can distract you from the shot at hand. Clear your mind of any negative thoughts or distractions and focus solely on the task in front of you.

Visualization is another powerful mental tool. Before taking your shot, visualize the ball landing exactly where you want it to. Picture the trajectory, the distance, and the roll of the ball. This mental imagery can help you execute the shot with more precision and confidence.

Confidence is key in golf, especially when it comes to short side shots. Believe in your abilities and trust your skills. Doubt and hesitation can lead to poor execution. Remind yourself of past successes and focus on the positive aspects of your game.

Managing your emotions is also important. Golf can be a frustrating game, and it’s easy to get angry or discouraged when things don’t go as planned. However, letting your emotions get the best of you will only hinder your performance. Stay calm and composed, and approach each shot with a clear mind.

Lastly, embrace the challenge. Short side shots can be difficult, but they also present an opportunity for improvement. Instead of viewing them as a problem, see them as a chance to showcase your skills and overcome obstacles. Embrace the challenge and approach each shot with determination and a positive mindset.

In conclusion, the mental aspect of golf is just as important as the physical aspect. By adopting the right mental approach, you can improve your short side golf shots and enhance your overall game. Stay focused, visualize success, believe in yourself, manage your emotions, and embrace the challenge. With these strategies, you’ll be on your way to fixing those short side shots and becoming a better golfer.
In conclusion, this post has provided valuable insights into how to fix a short side golf shot. We have covered several key topics that are crucial for improving your game and avoiding those dreaded short side shots.

First and foremost, we discussed the importance of positioning yourself properly on the golf course. By understanding the layout and contours of the green, you can strategically position yourself to avoid short side shots. This alone can make a significant difference in your overall score.

Next, we delved into the crucial aspect of club selection. Choosing the right club for each shot is essential in order to achieve the desired outcome. We provided tips on how to select the appropriate club based on the distance, lie, and conditions of the shot.

Shot selection was another important topic covered. We discussed various shot options such as the flop shot, bump and run, and pitch shots. Understanding when to use each shot can greatly improve your chances of getting out of a short side situation successfully.

We also emphasized the significance of proper swing technique. By focusing on maintaining a smooth and controlled swing, you can increase your chances of executing a successful shot.

Practice drills were highlighted as a crucial component of improving your short side shots. We provided specific drills that can help you develop the necessary skills and confidence to tackle any short side situation.

Furthermore, we discussed the importance of course management and having a strategic approach to the game. By planning your shots and considering the layout of the course, you can minimize the occurrence of short side shots.

Lastly, we touched upon the mental aspect of the game. Maintaining a positive mindset and staying focused can greatly impact your performance on the golf course.

Looking ahead, it is important to stay updated on any future developments or trends in golf that may impact short side shots. New techniques or equipment may arise that can further improve your game.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. We hope you found the information helpful and actionable. We encourage you to leave any comments or feedback, as we value your input. Remember, with practice and dedication, you can conquer those short side shots and take your golf game to the next level.

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