How to Hit a Solid Wedge Shot from 50 to 75 Yards


Wedge shots are some of the most important shots in golf. They are used to control distance and spin, and they can be used to get up and down from around the green. Hitting a good wedge shot takes practice, but with a few simple tips, you can improve your accuracy and consistency.

Choose the Right Club

The first step to hitting a good wedge shot is choosing the right club. For shots from 50 to 75 yards, you will typically want to use a pitching wedge or gap wedge. If you are playing in a windy conditions, you may want to use a sand wedge.

Set up Your Stance

Your stance is important for all golf shots, but it is especially important for wedge shots. When setting up your stance, you want to make sure that your feet are shoulder-width apart and that your weight is evenly distributed. You also want to make sure that your knees are slightly bent and that your back is straight.

Open the Clubface

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One of the most important things to remember when hitting a wedge shot is to open the clubface. This will help you to create more loft and spin, which will help you to control the distance and trajectory of the ball. To open the clubface, simply turn your hands so that the leading edge of the club is pointing slightly to the right of your target.

Aim for a Target

When hitting any golf shot, it is important to aim for a target. This is especially important for wedge shots, as you need to be able to control the distance and trajectory of the ball. When aiming for a target, you want to make sure that you are aiming for a spot on the green that is slightly behind the hole. This will give you a little bit of room for error and will help you to avoid overshooting the green.

Take a Backswing

When taking a backswing for a wedge shot, you want to make sure that you keep your backswing short and compact. You do not need to take a full backswing for a wedge shot, as this will only increase the risk of hitting the ball thin. Instead, take a backswing that is about 75% of your full backswing.

Swing Through the Ball

When swinging through the ball, you want to make sure that you keep your wrists firm and that you hit down on the ball. Hitting down on the ball will help you to create more loft and spin, which will help you to control the distance and trajectory of the ball.

Follow Through

After you hit the ball, you want to make sure that you follow through with your swing. This will help you to generate more power and will help you to keep the ball on the fairway or green.

Practice Makes Perfect

Hitting a good wedge shot takes practice. The more you practice, the better you will become at controlling distance and spin. So get out there and start practicing!

Here are some additional tips for hitting a good wedge shot:

  • Keep your body still and your head down during the swing.
  • Make sure to follow through with your swing.
  • Practice hitting different types of wedge shots, such as full shots, half shots, and chip shots.
  • Experiment with different clubface positions to find what works best for you.
  • Be patient and don’t get discouraged if you don’t hit every shot perfectly. With practice, you will eventually be able to hit wedge shots with accuracy and consistency.


In conclusion, hitting solid wedge shots from 50 to 75 yards requires practice and the correct technique. Use the right club, choose a target, position the ball forward, take a 3/4 swing, follow through, and practice. By incorporating these tips into your game, you can improve your wedge shots and lower your scores on the course.

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