Why Swinging “Slow and Easy” May Not be The Best Advice

Golfers often believe that a slow and easy swing is the key to hitting a great shot. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, swinging slow and easy can be the worst thing you can do in your golf swing. In this blog post, we will explore why swinging slow and easy is detrimental to your golf game.

First and foremost, swinging slowly and easily can lead to poor timing and rhythm. A slow swing can throw off your timing, causing you to hit the ball off-center. This can result in a lack of distance and accuracy. Similarly, a slow swing can also affect your rhythm, making it difficult to maintain a consistent swing throughout your round.

Moreover, swinging slowly and easily can also cause you to lose power. Power is a crucial element in the golf swing, and a slow swing can hinder your ability to generate power. A slow swing can also result in a lack of club head speed, which can lead to poor distance and ball flight.

Another issue with swinging slow and easy is that it can lead to a lack of rotation in your swing. Rotation is a vital component in the golf swing, and a slow swing can prevent you from rotating properly. Without proper rotation, you may struggle to hit the ball straight and with the desired distance.

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Furthermore, swinging slowly and easily can also impact your mental game. Golf is a mental game, and a slow swing can cause you to overthink your swing mechanics. This can lead to doubt and uncertainty, which can result in poor shots and overall frustration on the course.

So, what can you do to avoid swinging slowly and easily? Firstly, you can focus on increasing your clubhead speed. This can be achieved through proper swing mechanics and conditioning exercises. By increasing your clubhead speed, you can generate more power and distance in your shots.

Additionally, you can work on your rotation by incorporating specific exercises and drills into your practice routine. Proper rotation is essential in generating power and maintaining consistency in your swing.

Another way to avoid swinging slowly and easily is to maintain a consistent rhythm and tempo in your swing. This can be achieved through practice and by incorporating drills that focus on maintaining a consistent tempo.

Lastly, it’s essential to approach your swing with confidence and trust in your abilities. Avoid overthinking your swing mechanics and trust that your body will naturally execute the proper movements. Confidence is crucial in golf, and a confident swing can lead to better shots and overall success on the course.

In conclusion, swinging slowly and easily can be the worst thing you can do in your golf game (unless you’re Ernie Els). It can lead to poor timing, rhythm, power, rotation, and mental game. By focusing on increasing clubhead speed, maintaining proper rotation, and developing a consistent rhythm and tempo, you can avoid the pitfalls of swinging slowly and easily. Additionally, approaching your swing with confidence and trust in your abilities can lead to better shots and overall success on the course. Remember, golf is a challenging game, but with proper technique and a positive mindset, you can achieve great results. Now obviously, every swing is different and we’re not advocating that for every golfer, you should not slow your swing down. However, there is plenty of evidence that swinging slower may not be the best advice.

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